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Home > Dean Tong, MSc., Forensic Trial Consultant - Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Dean Tong
MSc. and Forensic Trial Consultant
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
10246 Hunters Haven Blvd.
Riverview, FL 33569
Office/Fax: (813) 671-4190
Cell: (813) 417-5362
Pager: (813) 278-8356
Book Orders/Media: (800) 854-0735
Dean Tong
About Dean Tong, MSc. and Forensic Trial Consultant

Dean Tong is a Guest Expert, Consultant, Author, Speaker, and Radio Talk Show Host. Dean Tong is an internationally known family rights and forensic consultant who provides professional and independent Forensic Consultant services on divorce, child custody, child abuse-related, domestic violence, sex crimes and repressed memory cases, with a concentration in parental alienation, false accusations and mental health disorders. Dean Tong qualifies as an expert in false child abuse accusations cases under Florida Statute Ch. 90.702 and under Federal Rule of Evidence 702.
As Forensic Consultant, Dean Tong assists attorneys and individuals accused of abuse and/or those embroiled in protracted child custody litigation, nationally, with case intake, selection of experts, coordinating psychosexual, psychological and polygraph testing of the accused, legal research relative to help on motions, case law, depositions, request for admissions, et al, the application of science to the law, and overall forensic guidance of court cases. His selection of experts includes: Registered Custody Evaluators; Parental Alienation and Relocation Experts; Borderline Personality Experts; polygraph examiners; psychosexual assessors; forensic pediatricians; miscellaneous medical doctors; criminal, civil, juvenile and administrative expert attorneys; Guardians-Ad-Litem; private investigators; Suggestibility Experts (Child Developmental Psychologists), Attachment Theory Experts, and Psychologists that critique Social Services and other Psychologists.In addition, Mr. Tong, personally, assists family/juvenile and criminal court attorneys at both depositions and trials.
Dean Tong, a published author, speaker and consultant retained by parents and attorneys in 45 states, has appeared on more than 2000 radio talk shows over the past 13 years and numerous TV programs, and in articles in the Boston Globe, Washington Times and Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, Christian Science Monitor, Richmond Times-Dispatch, and The Washington Post. Dean Tong appeared as a guest child abuse-custody expert on August 2, 1999 on COURT-TV (Johnny Cochran Tonight) and on Crier Live on September 30, 2002. Contributor to the recently published booklet LOVE & LOATHING: Protecting Your Mental Health and Legal Rights When Your Partner Has Borderline, Personality Disorder.
As a leading authority in the field of child abuse, Dean Tong's work and web site,, have been referenced and quoted as part of an Anthology (pp. 41 - 44) in a brand new book (Sept. 2006) titled Child Abuse: Current Controversies, authored by Lucinda Almond and published by Thomson Gale.
More About Dean Tong...

  About Dean Tong
Who is Dean Tong?
Curriculum Vitae
  Published Works Elusive Innocence
Ashes to Ashes...Families To Dust
Don't Blame ME, Daddy
  Affiliations Academy of Behavior Profiling - Affiliate Member of the Forensic Section
CFP (Coalition for the Preservation of FatherHood), Advisory Board Member
CRC (Children's Rights Council), member
ISN (International Speakers Network), lifetime member
PMA (Publisher's Marketing Association), member
Board of Directors, National Fathers Resource Center
  Series Creations
Sexual Allegations in the '90s: Tools You Can Use
In Fear Of Fathers: Defense Strategies For The Falsely Accused

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Steven Carlson, The Custody Coach®
Child Custody Coach
Orange County, California
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